Thursday, 3 January 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you got suitably banjaxed and sent off 2012 in style. New Year's Resolutions start now, and while I have made a few of my own (all the good ones) I can't help there is something fundamentally farcical about the whole idea of them.

Should you really need to wait until the beginning of a new year to put pressure on yourself to make changes, that in all honesty you probably won't stick to. Why not just try and be a little bit better all year round? And why commit to a whole year? It just seems so unnecessarily stringent.

It is probably a lot down to the gluttonous fortnight at the end of December where everyone overeats and drinks. Cheeseboards and 'real' butter guilt you into agreeing to being more careful in the new year.

I won't commit to stopping or giving up anything for the whole of 2013 as it just seems like too much of a  punishment for having an excellent (mostly) 2012. What I am going to do is make the most of myself and the opportunities presented to me or ones that I will fight for.

I am going to try and stop drinking for a bit, and get fitter so I can last more than an hour on the football pitch. But other than that I'm pretty content while I keep optimistic, hunt for a new job and try to see the positives in everything.

Life is platter.

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