Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Marathon Post #5

After a debauched Christmas period and a weight gain of roughly half a stone, it was time to get back into the running. You know that 'I don't want to go back to work on Monday' feeling? Well, mine was doubled by the 'I don't want to go for a freezing cold run in the rain on Monday' type of feeling.

However, once I got work out of the way and psyched myself up for a run, it wasn't too bad...

Deciding to follow a training plan for a sub- five hour training, my first run was suggested at 3mi in around 35 mins. Yeah, these seemed ridiculously slow to me, but I did a few stretches and set out.
Still running without a watch and only my phone (rolling Nike+) on my pocket, I had to estimate a 3mi course and run at what I felt might be roughly 11.5 mins per mile...

What I ended up with was 4.12mi at a pace of around 9.5 mins per mile. I am going to persevere with the current training plan for a few weeks, and then go back and review and maybe opt for a sub 4.30 plan if I feel like I have more in the tank.

Still, considering the indulgent Christmas and New Year period with the only exercise in the form one game of squash I felt good after the run and the following day (today).

No real muscle or knee aches - not sure if this is down the the whey protein shake or not, but I will probably keep drinking one after runs to be on the safe side.

Like everyone in January, I also have high hopes for my diet. No snacking, and balances of carb and protein heavy meals either side of runs. You know, except weekends on the piss. Kebabs are protein.

4mi at 11mins pace tomorrow... probably end up doing five at 10mins. We'll see.

Good start.