Monday, 30 November 2015

Marathon Post #4

Highs and lows

Monday 16th I had a great run, maybe the best ever I have felt during and after. I left my phone alone and got into the swing of my pace and breathing. I also kept a clear and positive head and let my mind wander. I ran a number of long straight roads so I could really switch off and it seemed to help maintain the can do attitude I will try to emulate.

I am finding that a smooth/juice an hour or so before a run gives an effective sugar rush as well as keeps me hydrated for the duration of the run - I did not take any water with me and was only really struggling towards the end. This one looks disgusting but was probably my favourite so far! Two satsumas, two kiwis and some fizzy water.

Though my recovery after this run felt good, my next couple of attempts at running were not. It was the following Saturday and it was freezing cold. Maybe I didn't warm up well enough but after not even 3km I couldn't run any longer and I had to walk nearly the whole 3km home. This was my first taste of disappointment during the few weeks I have been training, and obviously with 3 months of winter training to look forward to I feared the worst for me and my knee.

I tried again one night after work... about 200m this time I was stopped by my knee and blisters from the week before's 12km. This put me in such a bad mood.

I gave it a week before I tried again - that brings me to tonight's run. A milder 13.4km! I fuelled up with a juice (can of pineapple and a regular pine-less apple), put on a knee support and set out at a really slow knee testing pace. The result was my furthest and longest run ever - apart from the half marathon earlier this year. Buzzing again!

I ended my first month training with a November total of 56.4km!

I'm still yet to collect any sponsorship but I have five more months to come up with some fundraising schemes and pester my friends and family - you best be ready.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Marathon Post #3

More about Mind.

Mind are a wonderful charity that are committed to the ongoing support of anyone suffering with a mental illness. Please do click the below image to go straight to the Mind website to learn more!

They campaign to improve services, raise awareness, and  promote understanding of mental illness, and to empower those suffering or who have suffered. Here is a breakdown of their goals from the website:

Staying well: Support people likely to develop mental health problems, to stay well.
Empowering choice: Empower people who experience a mental health problem to make informed choices about how they live and recover
Improving services and support: Ensure people get the right services and support at the right time to help their recovery and enable them to live with their mental health problem
Enabling social participation: Open the doors to people with experience of mental health problems participating fully in society
Removing inequality of opportunity: Gain equality of treatment for people who experience both mental health and other forms of discrimination
Organisational excellence: Make the most of our assets by building a culture of excellence.

 Presided by Stephen Fry, Mind has a high profile following that helps enormously to promote the cause, but they must still rely on donations to continue their work.

I decide to apply for a Golden Band place with Mind after failing to get a ballot place. Knowing that Mind would have been my chose charity had I got a ballot place it was logical to apply direct. The golden band place mandates that I raise £1750 - I know I can do it!

First run this week was a dip into interval training. I have heard that interval training is extremely effective for overall marathon training - especially if aiming for a time around four hours. Though I haven't yet decided on a target time for my first marathon, I wanted to see what the fuss was about.

It was hard work. The green parts were my 80% sprint nestled between a normal jog pace. Really tough, I felt like my lungs were on fire and as a result did not make it very far (had to walk home!). Still, after seeking advice from the guys on the Mind marathon 2016 Facebook page, I have decided to stick with them once a fortnight - and they will probably be a once a week mainstay in my January-marathon day regime.

Second run this week (just a couple of hours ago) was a more successful run with two friends, Ryan and Burton. Burton took us on an all terrain route in the pouring rain, which made it a bit more interesting. A nice pace.

This week I have had my first two smoothies. Only a basic concoction of banana, apple, yoghurt, milk and jam (I know right) and  I felt good going into the run today - if a little hungry.

Post run lunch today was more fried tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, and tuna; with scrambled eggs. The same high protein meal helped my recovery last weekend so I thought I would stick with it.

Overall feeling really positive about getting into shape in the run up to the new year. I think I need to do some weight training to strengthen my legs and core - shame I recently cancelled my gym membership!

Monday, 9 November 2015

Marathon post #2

So I am a week into the first stage of marathon training - operation get fit and strong before the regime starts from January. I have been on two runs and felt and changed my diet and I feel good.

Monday night I ran 6.16km (to be precise). I wanted to test out my knees and touch wood, no problems! It was a typical route around Joydens Wood, and I'm pretty sure it will prove a staple of my training to come. I didn't take a water bottle on this route and as a result I was gasping afterwards. A nice easy pace though. I'm not sure how accurate the cal counters are on these apps but I will use them as another reference point when thinking about meals and daily intake.

I at rice and veg for lunch pre-run and didn't have anything special for dinner after the run, but I have been more healthy than usual all week - apart from the weekend.

The second run of the week was something to be a bit more proud of. Registering as my longest run ever (I didn't run with my phone on the half marathon last year) on my Nike + app, I ran 11.8km (just over 7 miles) with Ryan on Saturday. The weather was miserable and I need to stop a couple of times on the tedious straights, but I am still happy with a pace averaging 6 minutes per kilometre. I took 500ml of water with me on this run and finished it at around 9k - I will need to work out exactly how much water I will need and to pre-hydrate more effectively for longer training runs.

Pre run: wholemeal toast with avocado - covered in chilli sauce. One banana.

Post run lunch: Fried up tomatoes and mushrooms with tinned tuna into a sort of hash - served with three scrambled eggs. My legs did not suffer as they usually do the days following this long run and I'm going to put that down to the high protein lunch.

Undone by the curry and beers on Saturday night and beery Sunday. but I'll forgive myself this one. I think I can get away with having indulgent weekends for now at least, as long as I am careful during the week.

Next post: More about Mind.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Marathon post #1


So I did it. I have got myself a golden bond place with Mind for London marathon 2016. Mind are a great charity that offer valuable  support for those with mental health issues. The money I hope to raise through sponsorship will help to help the charity continue the support they offer to anyone who needs it.

Right. So how the shit do I run 26.3 miles?!

I will need a routine.
I think the most difficult thing for me to change will be my diet. And my drinking habits. I've done a bit of research and most seem to say lots of chicken, veg and rice. Gonna have to get some chilli sauces, yo. Preparing meals will be essential and I'll have to cut the snacking. Beers will be a hard one. I've been drinking too much lately and will have to start limiting myself to one debauched night per weekend.

I will have to come up with a running plan as well - very important. Most plans recommend running three times a week, with a mixture of long runs and interval training. A friend suggested running for specific time periods rather than distance, as it will be easier to increase.

As winter is fully on its way I think I need to get myself some tight garms.

Anyway I'm writing this for my own reference more than anything to track my progress. First run will be after work tomorrow - half an hour constant.

This should be fun.